The Right Thing To Do

The Right Thing to Do

A wildly successful children's book on Baseball Hall of Famer Joe Mauer. It stresses kindness and inclusivity. 100 % of the proceeds go to two children's charities.

Impact Blueprint

A Step by Step to Living a Life of Significance

Joe Schmit's followup to the best-selling "Silent Impact" 52 traits of people who make an impact in this world and live a life of significance.


Silent Impact:
Stories of Influence Through Purpose, Persistence and Passion

An award-winning book that captures the essence of people who live a life of impact.  Joe uses his reporting skills to research and tell stories of impact that are powerful, contagious and last a lifetime. Over 20,000 copies of Silent Impact have been sold.

Silent Impact doesn't whisper; it screams with terrific stories and practical advice on how to influence and improve your world.

Harvey Mackay

Author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive

''Everything starts with passion, which is one of the reasons I loved Joe's new book, Silent Impact. Joe brings a wealth of inspiring and encouraging stories that make this book hard to put down. I guarantee you will be driven to live life with a deeper passion when you realize the incredible and significant impact you have in making this world a better place!'' 

''Famous'' Dave Anderson,

Founder of the World's Best BBQ Joint

''Joe Schmit has a remarkable ability to unwrap life's ordinary moments to discover the gifts within. Through the power of real-life storytelling, Silent Impact teaches us that even our smallest acts can make a huge difference.''

Kathleen A. Blatz

Retired Chief Justice, Minnesota Supreme Court